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Life on track course

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Ready to get your life back on track?


What does that even look like?


Feeling more committed and motivated towards your goals

Being more resilient and able to deal with life events

Being happier and more fulfilled with your life choices


Who is it for?


For people who:


Want to achieve unrealised dreams and goals

Feel dissatisfied with their life right now

Are precariously balanced and/or unsure how to deal with any more unexpected life events.


What does it involve?


A focus on:


Big picture goal-setting, action plans, accountability, balance building and strategies to cope with the unexpected.


Over 12 weeks, you will have:


6 x 1:1 coaching sessions (60-75 minutes) plus 1 catch up session post 2-4 weeks


6 x group coaching sessions (90-120 minutes) around topics like Imposter Syndrome, Money Blocks, Conflict Skills (these may be delivered 1:1 if no-one else is currently on the course).


Online group space


Email support


A few presents 🎁


(Yes, you'll have at least an hour long coaching call every week for 12 weeks so this isn't for you if you don't want to show up and do the work!)


Courses will start as individuals require. Group coaching sessions will be offered at 7am, 7pm and 8pm. Individual sessions will be offered on Mondays 9am - 3pm, or other days at 7am, 7pm and 8pm.

The total cost is £650, payable as an initial £250 set up fee and then 2 monthly payments of £200.

3 months ago, I was feeling totally over
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