On demand course hosted by Teachable

Feeling stressed, burnout or on the edge of burnout?
Feeling like you can't cope with anymore, like there is far too much on your plate and one more thing is just going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back?
Those feelings of overwhelm are horrible and can become a vicious circle where you are so stressed you never relax, and because you never relax you're even more stressed.
This course will help you break out of that cycle. With actions to take to reduce overwhelm for the short-term, the medium-term and the long-term, you'll discover strategies to implement whenever you need them.
£27 to access whenever you want.
reduce your overwhelm
On Demand Workshops
Running workshops is one of the things that makes me happiest. I would love to tailor a bespoke workshop for your organisation. Topics I love to teach people more about include resilience, wellbeing, reducing overwhelm, action planning and balance. That's not an exhaustive list and I'm happy to work with you to find a topic that really suits you.
Contact me at coach@brightrebel.co.uk to begin a discussion to make your next Learning at Work week or Inset Day a success.